On Sunday night, I attend a special Relief Society fireside speaker Sister Karen Winkel, our Sacramento Temple matron. Sister Winkel told us about a "treasure hunt" that President Winkel created to help their grandchildren enjoy the temple. They do a hunt for certain items such as symbols around the temple grounds, answering all kinds of questions and getting points for their efforts. I liked this idea so much that we did an impromptu family night at the temple on Monday. We looked for symbols as a family. One thing Sister Winkel mentioned is that there are four mariner's compasses on the temple grounds, three inside the gates and one outside. We found them, but we couldn't figure out which way they pointed. We did find a sun etched into the entry way of the temple which we hadn't noticed before. Sister Winkel also shared a scripture inIsaiah which talks about the temple being like a pillar of fire. If you go at night and look at the reflection of the fountain onto the archway behind it, the shadows look like gentle flames. That was also beautiful to see.
We walked around, looking for more symbols.
A beautiful view at night.
We encouraged reverence, and mostly they complied, mostly.
President Monson has encouraged each child to touch the temple. I asked each of the children who promises to be in the temple with our family someday to touch the temple for a picture.
In the Winkel's hunt, they give points if you see a wild turkey, hawk or deer. We wondered how many points we got for seeing this--a rattlesnake! It was not actually on the temple grounds but instead on the road leading up the hill. It was enjoying the warm pavement as the sun was setting, so we pulled up beside it for everyone to get a good look.
It was a fun, peaceful night that gave me renewed perspective about why we are raising this family, as well as joy as I thought about a future day when we will all be in the temple together someday. Thanks, President and Sister Winkel, for the great idea!