School started too early here...August 9. But we still had enough time for some final summer fun.
The first week of August, we took a camping trip to the Redwoods with my sister and some family friends. We had a great time!
Jeffrey learned to ride his bike on the trip. Now you can't keep him off it!The first week of August, we took a camping trip to the Redwoods with my sister and some family friends. We had a great time!
Cousins on the root of a fallen redwood. That is Anna in the middle.
Jeffrey, Josh, Ryan, Adam and Anna next to the Smith River. Plenty of sun there.
Katie, Jacob and Daniel took the partly deflated boat down the river with no paddle. They learned the meaning of the term 'lazy river.'
Katie and Beth in the redwoods.
The trees are huge and beautiful.
The view looking up a hollow tree
The view looking down at Ryan, Daniel, Anna, Jeffrey and Adam
Cousins in front of the 'big tree'
Daniel, Beth, Katie and Anna
Muscles!At Crescent City Beach--it wasn't exactly warm. Once the kids figured out to build a fire, we were a lot more comfortable!
Josh chopping wood--one of the great things a boy can do only when he is camping...
Keables, Pettingills and some friendsJosh and Adam on the river Boogie boarding Beth
Anna Banana
Dads get some fun, too. Here is Rich jumping from the big rock on the river.
Jeffrey, Ryan and Adam
Jeffrey loved the ocean water even though it was cold
Boogie boarding Adam
Anna and Jacob in the sand
Beth and Anna in the sand
Ah, settled next to the fire
The two football teams come together after the big game on the beach.
The Keables Family
Whitney and Brandon kiss Anna Banana goodbye
Katie gives her beloved twin a kiss
Daniel, Adam, Jacob and Katie around the fire
Family picture
Then the fun had to come to an end. Here is a picture of Katie, Daniel and Jacob at 6:25 a.m. on the Monday after our trip, the first day of school and seminary.
I can't believe how big everyone is getting. And that you have been in school for two weeks. We start tomorrow. Your trip looked so amazing. How fun for you all to get together. xoxo
So much fun!!
I've always wanted to go there and now I want to even more! Glad you could have one last vacation before school starts!
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