Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where do all the Good Samaritans live?

The saga of the dying van battery continues...Yesterday, when Rich went to check the battery for warranty info, before driving over to buy a new one, he yanked out the hood release. Oops! Then, today when we went to Rancho Cordova to buy Sees Candy, he forgot the lights were on because of the fog. So we ended up with a dead battery again (but fortunately no annoying and unstoppable alarm! Of course, now we also have no power locks, but that's a story for another post.) So there we sat with no way to open the hood and a dead battery. Thankfully, the hood had popped just slightly and we could get it up. Within about 30 seconds, a nice man driving something like an '85 Corolla offered to give us a jump. We were out of there in about 5 minutes. Rancho is on the "bad side" of the tracks around here. Yet the comparison was pretty significant to me. In Folsom, Rich and I sat there for at least 45 minutes last week before we could find someone to give us a jump (and we were loudly, obviously in need of some help, let me tell you!) Despite this, no one noticed and offered. We had to ask around. Yet in Rancho, just about the first guy walking by offered to help. Maybe it's because that guy knew about having a dead battery? In Folsom, everyone drives new cars! Anyway, it's food for thought.


nevadanista said...

Maybe no one stopped to help because they thought you were driving a giant kidnapper van ;-)

I would love it Matt did all those things, like yank out the hood release and leave the lights on. I need ammo like that for when I do something similar and then he gets impatient with me.

Happy New Year!

Allyson White said...

Let's hear it for Rancho (I did grow up there you know).

Our Family said...

The kidnapper van thing is why we put the cute little pictures on the back of our van! : )Well, actually, it was so that people didn't think we were a day care, but that's a good reason, too!

Our Family said...

Allyson, I thought of your parents and their Rancho/Folsom comparison when it happened. I think they may be right!!

nevadanista said...

Cute little pictures indeed! The better to lure you with ;-)